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Stephens County Scanner Frequencies (OK)

Scanner frequencies for Stephens County OK

(Including Duncan Scanner Frequencies)

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Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Stephens County OK

Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS

Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS

Area Frequencies
FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
44.700  77.0   1OHP Troop G Low Band
154.400      2Sheriff Tactical
158.850  6900T   Sheriff Dispatch
859.0375 P25-2P   Velma
859.5375 P25-2P   Velma
T 461 P   Sheriff Dispatch
T 2761 P   OHP Troop G Dispatch
T 2763 P   OHP Troop G Operations

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.160       Fire Dispatch

Central High FD
FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
155.205       Fire Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.040  91.5    Police / Fire Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
155.940  69008T   Fire Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.265       Fire Disp.
155.0925 7100T   Fire Dispatch
155.970  9100T   Police Dispatch
156.030      2Police Tactical
462.950  151.4    EMS Dispatch (AMR)

Empire City
FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.235  127.3    Fire Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.220  186.2    Fire Dispatch
155.565      2Police Tactical
158.730  186.2    Police Dispatch
160.080       Air Evac BAse

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.370  2500T   Fire Dispatch
158.790       Police Dispatch

Local Government
FreqPL/MTyChannelCity  Notes
154.650     DuncanDuncan Animal Control

Amateur Radio
FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLCityCall  Notes
146.730  CSQR  DuncanWD5IYFDuncan Skywarn / Chisolm Trail Amatuer Radio Club Network
146.955   R  MarlowK5UM 
147.300  CSQ   Duncan Skywarn / Link to Norman National Weather Service
443.325   R  MarlowN5TML 
444.825  118.8R  DuncanWD5IYF 

FreqPL/MTyCityCall  Notes
118.4      DuncanKDUCHalliburton Field Clearance
118.6      DuncanKDUCHalliburton Field Approach & Departure
119.075    DuncanKDUCHalliburton Field WX AWOS
122.8      DuncanKDUCHalliburton Field Unicom

AM/FM/TV/Shortwave Broadcast
FreqPL/MTyCityCall  Notes
88.7    FM MarlowKFXHReligious
92.1    FM MarlowKFXICountry
97.1    FM DuncanKKENCountry
100.3    FM DuncanK276FRTop-40
103.1    FM DuncanK276FRChr. Contemp
106.1    FM DuncanK291CTNewws / Talk
1350.0    AM DuncanKFTPNews / TAlk

FreqPL/MTyChannelCityCall  Notes
155.820       County Roads
452.725  94.8 1Duncan Halliburton
460.725  110.9  Velma Kleen Oil Field Tank Trucks
463.900  94.8 2Duncan Halliburton


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