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Caddo County Scanner Frequencies (OK)

Scanner frequencies for Caddo County OK

(Including Carnegie Scanner Frequencies)

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Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Caddo County OK

Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS

Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS

Area Frequencies
FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
44.7    77.0    OHP Troop G Low Band
151.850   T  1Fire Corps Dispatch
152.975      2Fire Corps Car to Car
154.295       Fire Dispatch
155.640  127.3    Sheriff Dispatch
155.730       Emergency Management
453.2375 77.0    Emergency Management
853.5875 P25-2P   Anadarko
853.850  P25-2P   Anadarko
T 1941 P   Emergency Mangement

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.430       Fire Dispatch
155.070  123.0    Police Dispatch
155.430  94.8    EMS Dispatch
158.835       FIRE Tactical

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
153.7925      EMS Dispatch
155.280       EMS Dispatch
155.925  CSQ    Emergency Management
158.835       Police Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
151.070  77.0    Police and Fire Dispatch
155.220       EMS Disp.

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
155.265       Fire Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.205       Fire and EMS Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
154.310       Fire Dispatch

FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLChannel  Notes
156.165       Fire Dispatch

Local Government
FreqPL/MTyChannelCity  Notes
155.865     AnadarkoAnadako Street Maintenance

Amateur Radio
FreqPL/MTyInputInpPLCityCall  Notes
145.1100      K5GSMPerry Broadcasting Tower
147.0000     CyrillKB5LLI 
147.0450 123.0   CyrillKB5LLISkywarn Link with The National Weather Service in Norman
147.270   R  AnadarkoWX5LAW 
442.2750 123.0   CyrillKB5LLI 
444.4000 141.3   CementKW5FAA 
444.4500 123.0   CementWX5LAW 

FreqPL/MTyCityCall  Notes
118.175    AnardarkoF68Anadarko Municipal Airport WX AWOS
122.9      AnardarkoF68Anadarko Municipal Airport Unicom
122.9      Carnegie86FCarnegie Municipal Airport Unicom

AM/FM/TV/Shortwave Broadcast
FreqPL/MTyCityCall  Notes
89.5    FM CarnegieKJCCReligious
98.5    FM Apache Country
103.5    FM Anadarko Hip Hop

FreqPL/MTyChannelCityCall  Notes
153.740  151.4  Caddo Nation Police Dispatch
451.050  114.8  Fort Cobb Fort Cobb Resevior Operations

FreqPL/MTyChannelCityCall  Notes
151.295  103.5    County Roads District 1
158.745  103.5    County Roads District 2
159.135  1103.    County Roads District 3


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